Join us in the gorgeous surrounds of St Anthony's Hall for a festive fair on Saturday 30th November, featuring print and other craft stalls and seasonal goodness. Save the date!
Address: St Anthony's Hall Peasholme Green, York YO1 7PW
During the frost fair of 1739, a local printer, Thomas Gent, joined the people of York on the frozen River Ouse. He set up a press to print souvenirs – and was so popular the ice began to creak! Luckily, no one fell in and the day was a success, and a print from the occasion can still be found in the York Minster Library. Inspired by the areas printing heritage and lively characters, we have reinvented York’s frost fair for the modern day.
Stallholders will include local craftspeople and artists, offering you the chance to support your community and buy handmade gifts, prints, and art.
The fair will feature work by Muttons & Nuts, Izzy Williamson, Jessica Naylor, Anachronalia, Desmond Clarke, Rose & Hen, Hawthorn Printmaker Supplies, and many more.
Artwork by Joanna Lisowiec (@joannalisowiec and