Upcoming exhibitions

DeLittle Collection: Over 100 Years of Crafting Wood Type in York
DeLittle was one of only a few wood letter manufacturers in the UK, based on Vine Street in York. View this unique collection at Thin Ice Press: the York Centre for Print and celebrate an extraordinary part of York’s print and design heritage.
All welcome, no booking required.

Thin Ice Press
Thin Ice Press celebrates the rich heritage and vibrant future of printing in York by bringing together our collaborators, past and present, to chart the journey of the Press and welcome you to our new venue.
All welcome, no booking required.

A Queen’s Book of Flowers
What did a 17th-century queen know about daffodils in Africa? How did books (and gardens) shape the world for women who couldn’t travel? Visit a letterpress display at Thin Ice Press: the York Centre for Print reimagining women’s knowledge about plants.
‘Cities Look Like Teeth’ by David Armes (Red Plate Press)
An artist's book and large-format print series chronicling a decade of travels through Europe, incorporating laser-cut photography and letterpress-printed text responses.
All welcome, no booking required.